Sunday, February 15, 2015

Workout & Cardio Schedule, Staying Healthy in school, & balancing school and working out!

Hi everyone!

My blog has been neglected since starting nursing school! *tear* But it has been crazy busy, and hard to keep up with just my school stuff, along with Ig and my blog.. I've noticed and I know other people have noticed too since my followers have been dropping like flys lol! But thats perfectly fine, I've done it before too, I love being able to reach so many people through IG, but I don't get upset (anymore) when i loose followers, it happens:) But I hope you guys do understand life is just hectic right now!

Anyway! I have a lot I want to talk about so here it goes!

~My Workout and Cardio Schedule~

As you guys know I do Kayla Itsines Bikini Body Guide and Tone it up! I've posted a couple times about how I merge them together but below is how I do it!

I write down the whole TIU schedule, and then I rearrange the days based on the muscle groups so the match with the BBG muscle groups! And then I try to make the days with the most cardio on Tuesday and Thursday! With that being said I probably go do cardio at the gym 2 times a week, sometimes 1 time or even none, but lately I have been trying for 2! I just started a month or so ago going to the gym for cardio, prior to that I haven't stepped foot in a gym since May 2014. I didn't need to, and i still don't, but I've been really enjoying the treadmill and my cardio days! (who would have  thought?!) So I circuit train with BBG 3 days a week, as you can see above, and add in the TIU training on the other days, which is a little more mild. You can sign up for TIU online and get the app for FREE! I personally love it and the community!

~Staying Healthy in School!~

Sure I can write down my workouts as much as I want, but I won't be able to do it if  I'm not feeling healthy and in tip top shape! I fuel my body with health foods, take vitamins and make sure I'm constantly washing my hands!

I take a lunch to school every day. Some days its just snacks (on my shorter days) or some days I bring a full meal. My Isolator Fitness lunch box has made this 1000% easier! (p.s. I got it as a gift, not for free, and I don't endorse them, just love the product!) 

Heres an example of my "snack" days... Larger than most peoples LOL! My friends at school bring a bag of pretzels and an orange, and I'm over here with a stuffed lunch box! I did a full day food diary a week or so ago from a day off school, but here is what I have for a day at school. (I'm going to do a food diary for a day of school soon as well!) Here I have my chocolate chip cookie OOIAJ from Chocolate Covered Kaite's Blog (i've posted about it before on my IG, its amazing!) for breakfast along with a banana! I also have a full bag of grapes, some blackberries, a serving of ritz toasted chips, a caramel rice cake, and 1 TBSP of Barney Butter vanilla espresso almond butter, LOVE! I also have a Nalgene full of water that I refill at least once ( so about a half gallon) and a cup of coffee, well cause you don't get through nursing school without it ;)
This keeps me full and satisfied until I get home around 1pm, where I'll usually have 1oz of turkey jerky and my pre-workout before my workout then a meal right after.

On top of fueling my body with foods packed with vitamins and minerals, Ill drink some kombucha here and there, a smoothie with vitamin C, and I take Emergen-C and/or airborne! I know some people don't like it, but I do, and being in a hospital, it ABSOLUTELY has saved me so far.
I deifninely recommend it, just be careful how much you take, because it could cause kidney stones!

~Balancing Working Out and (nursing) School~

So this is the issue I see A LOT from so many people, is that the have a hard time balancing school and working out. YES, it is hard, NO I do not have time to workout. I MAKE TIME. I know you have all hear that before but it is real. There is not one single day where I have extra time and figure "hey i guess ill get a workout in" No, I plan it out. I love my planner and it legit saves my life. Thats where I keep my workout schedule I posted above, alone with my weekly planner that I write down my day to day and school things, along with my "To Do" lists. I am actually getting another planner to write out my school assignments in more detail (judge me)! No, you don't need an expensive planner to do this stuff, there are so many cheap, cute options at Wal-mart and Target.

Heres a little idea of what I will put in my weekly view, and I add to it as I go or ass needed. This is bare compared to this past week! It really does keep me sane. I am so forgetful lately because I have so much going on, so if I don't put it down as soon as I think of it, it's gone forever into a little black hole in my head and doesn't pop up until its too late! I know someone has to be able to relate to that!

At the end of the day its all about time management. This might be a little OCD, but for the time I wake up I think about everything from hour to hour to figure out what I need to do and what all i will have time to do. This means, if I need to study and have to cut out a workout it is OKAY! I do it often! I have to prioritize! No, I don't like to miss a workout cause its something I enjoy and it relaxes me, but when it happens it will not end the world. I don't gain weight, I don't loose all my progress, I just move on to the next day and go about it as I normally would. I don't kill myself the next day to try to "make up" for missing it the day before. Life is about balance. In all aspects. 

I really hope this helps you guys! I want to share what works for me because there are many times where I figure it out eventually and I wish someone would have shared their experiences or tips. Let me know if you all have any questions!

Love you all! Have a FABULOUS week!

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